Photographer FAQ

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Wedding Vault business registration is 100% free.
There is no catch. We are committed to providing a free platform for all our users and as a Wedding Photographer, we believe in showcasing your work to a dedicated wedding audience without the price tag. In time, we will introduce a suite of premium features in addition to our free offering. These will include targeted opportunities for new business. We have no intention of ever charging for the fully integrated and linked service available now.
We have found that the Vendors gaining the most exposure have:
  • A larger number of linked weddings (suppliers are listed in order of who has the most linked weddings)
  • Shared their wedding story on social media, quoting/tagging our social media account on the platform
  • Have the most complete profiles with high quality images

To maximise your exposure (for free!) you should do the following:
  • Encourage your clients to post their wedding stories and link/recommend your business. This will improve your visibility on the site, and increase your social media exposure.
  • Share your showcase via social media and tag/quote/link wedding vault so we can retweet, re-post, or like your social media update. This ensures your update is seen by our extended network of inspiration seekers, married couples and suppliers.
  • Ensure your business showcase has the most complete profile possible - including up to date pictures, social media accounts and information
Wedding Vault is presently privately funded, with the majority of the work being carried out by Wedding Vault team members. Between us, we have the skill set and experience to produce cutting edge software and design that is globally scalable. If you're interested in potential investment opportunities, email us.

Still have questions? Contact us